
As the language of humanity, art tells stories of inspiration, hope, and healing even as it acknowledges the hurt and despair that afflicts us all.

Episode 5: Music, Connection, and Joy: Alicia Olatuja and the Presence of Voice
Music, Voice A Studio Aesculapius Podcast Music, Voice A Studio Aesculapius Podcast

Episode 5: Music, Connection, and Joy: Alicia Olatuja and the Presence of Voice

Alicia Olatuja is a vocal artist and life coach, who, the New York Times says, has a “luscious tone and amiably regal presence.” As the soloist at Barack Obama’s second inauguration, Olatuja discovered that she needed to align her head, heart, and voice to connect not only with her audience, but to discover a more authentic self. Now she not only performs, but also shares her experience from the stage with those seeking their own voice. Finding this voice, Olatuja contends, offers a way past the doubts and traumas we face in our troubled times.

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