
As the language of humanity, art tells stories of inspiration, hope, and healing even as it acknowledges the hurt and despair that afflicts us all.

Episode 6: Shakespeare and the Arts during the time of Plague and War
Theatre, Comedy A Studio Aesculapius Podcast Theatre, Comedy A Studio Aesculapius Podcast

Episode 6: Shakespeare and the Arts during the time of Plague and War

Austin Tichenor is an actor, comedian, writer and editor. Part of the world renowned “Reduced Shakespeare Company,” Tichenor discusses the “leveling quality” of humor, his insistence on not taking himself too seriously, and the ubiquity of storytelling. We all tell stories for work, love, and play. But as we “mature,” we somehow forget story’s (and art’s) enlivening power and push them aside. Rediscovering laughter in so-called “high-brow” endeavors, he maintains, can open new paths to healing.

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